I really am so sorry for the late wishing, cus i was unable to use the computer for quite some time. I spent my last 2 days of 2010, and the first day of 2011 with my bunch of secondary school bandmates. The last piece of memory i would ever forget would be the memories i had throughout the 4 years of band life. Be it good or bad memories, i wouldn't want to forget them.
And i got drunk, for the first time in my 17 years of life. It was bad. I never wanna get drunk anymore. Taking shots of vodka again? No way, i dislike vodka. Ohgay, and maybe i should start saving money so that next time i can drink wine instead.
(1) First on the list is to be a friend that everyone needs. I must relate to every single one, as far as possible. I drifted away from many of them in year 2010, which goes to say my 2010 was an emptiness. Yes, very much actually. It'd be okay if they dont feel or act the way i wanted, but at least i know i did play my part as a friend that they would need, individually. Yeah, my first resolution.
(2) Another part about is about responsibility. HAHA, friends who know me in secondary school would probably know that i reply texts like pretty fast, which is b'cus i always hold onto my phone wherever i go. But believe it or not, it was a major 360 degrees change when i stepped into 2010. But whatever it is, i'll make it a point to check my phone regularly and reply texts, and well, also to kick away the habit of No Answering Phone Calls. I'll try, but it's really hard i dont know why.
Next would be towards my family members. Always to inform them about my whereabouts.
(3) Not yet about studies! Ahah! Lol. It's my weight issue, in other words, my laziness. Time to slim down, and check on my diet. Less on oily and fried food. Ought to eat more veges, fruits and the soups that my mum always prepare for dinners.
(4) And here it is, my studies! I dont know how, and i dont know why, but most of my friends know that i'm retaining in JC. I thought i could keep it just within my jc friends, and just within the school compound. But well nevermind. Like the saying which goes “ 纸是包不住火”Since i'll be having more time, as i wouldnt be taking chinese and project work anymore, i should have more time to study. Time management, baby ): Yes, Lesser time on day dreaming and lepaking, which is a total waste of time, but also something which i cant help but do. Passing all my tests, IS A MUST. Midyears i should score at least 45 points? Well, for promos, i aim for 60 points. I have to, and i really must. I'm a retainee, who had an extra year on top of those jc 1 which the school is gonna accept soon.